Tuesday, May 22, 2012

EOTD & My First Zoyas

Hello lovely ladies and lacquered lads!

First, you may be wondering "WTF is an EOTD??" Simple really, get ready to smack your forehead... it's an "Enabler Of The Day". My EOTD today is Michelle,who totally RAOKed my world with this surprise in my mailbox:

For no reason at all, she sent me Zoya "Breezi" and "Jules", and also a mini bottle of Sally Girl black. This is awesome, because I've been wanting some Zoyas ever since I learned that they're headquartered in Cleveland. Sadly, between buying for a birthday swap, Ulta's display of both the Layla holos and the OPI Spiderman collection, a transaction with an angel in Brazil, and my wish to save money to become a producer of nail polish, I just haven't had the budget to bring a Zoya girl home. Then, out of nowhere, Michelle sends me not one, but two!

Of course, I had to try Breezi right away. She's a nice sky blue creme, almost a faded denim color - similar to OPI's "Fly" but without Fly's hint of greenishness, and with a little more opacity. I just love it... Thank You MICHELLE!!

This went on so smooth - check out the reflection of my lamp here:


  1. Breezi was my first Zoya also! I love it! Your nails look nicer than some women out there -=X

    1. Cee, that is so sweet, thank you! I look at all the beautiful manis people post, and the gorgeous hands they're on... then I look at mine and think "yup, you've got man hands". Which is OK - I don't wish I had Scrangie's hands, I'm happy to do the best with what I have - but it is really nice to hear that you like them...

  2. I love Breezi! It looks awesome :O) We gotta love our enablers, lol.

  3. Zoya is hq'd in Cleveland and Anthony Bourdain missed **that** opportunity?! Whazupwifdat! Zoyas are amazing, and this blue looks great on you. :)

  4. Beautiful color! I just bought it! :)

  5. I have Breezi and love it. She's great for nail art too. I always think your nails look fab and I want them! I just broke mine and how to go down to nubs. About your precepted man hands, I definitely don't think your fingers are manly. If you're looking for more graceful pictures I'd just crop closer. It's only the size of your hand that looks any different. Still drooling over your nails...

  6. I have Breezi and love it. She's great for nail art too. I always think your nails look fab and I want them! I just broke mine and how to go down to nubs. About your precepted man hands, I definitely don't think your fingers are manly. If you're looking for more graceful pictures I'd just crop closer. It's only the size of your hand that looks any different. Still drooling over your nails...

    1. Megan, you're so sweet! But, for me, "manly" and "man hands" isn't an insult. I'm supposed to have manly hands, so I'm not sad that I'll never have the slim, graceful, elegant hands that you and the other bloggers have. Imagine that we are cars (I'm a guy, I think in car analogies... ;) I would be the Cadillac limo in a lot full of Ferraris, Porsches, Jaguars, BMW Z4 roadsters and Corvettes... I'd be admiring your graceful styling, your nimble cornering and your impressive acceleration, and acknowledging that I can't compare on those terms - and I would be thankful that people ALSO appreciate the luxury, sophistication, dignity and class of a limousine. I'm trying to say that my hands can't be as "pretty" as any woman's, because "pretty" is not the standard to judge my hands, any more than "cornering" is the standard to judge a limousine.

      Also, I've said before that I love your new nubbins - and I really mean that! Back to the car analogy - if your nails were "BMW 6 Series Convertible" before, now they're "BMW Z4 Roadster" (It might help to see, at http://www.bmwusa.com/standard/content/vehicles/2012/z4/z4sdrive35is/default.aspx). The 6 is a gorgeous car... but the Z4 is more exciting... You totally rock nubbins!
